Across Nigeria Corruption Matters Main News News

Ajaokuta Steel: Reps fault Fayemi’s denial

The House of Representatives again replied the Minister of Mines and Steel Development, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, on Friday, faulting his denial that he had engaged a transaction adviser on the planned concession of the Ajaokuta Steel Company.

The House is against the concession and has asked Feyemi to stop any ongoing plans to accomplish it.

Two weeks ago, lawmakers also passed a vote of no confidence in Fayemi and the Minister of State, Mr. Abubakar Bawa-Bwari, for failing to attend a sectoral debate by the House on the Ajaokuta Steel Company.

On Thursday, the House passed another resolution, opposing the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers to conduct a technical audit of the Ajaokuta Steel Company and Greenwich Trust Limited as the transaction advisers.

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