Across Nigeria Corruption Matters Politics Press Releases Reports



The Centre for Anti-Corruption and Open Leadership, CACOL has called for the release of the 2019 election budget to the Independent Electoral Commission (INEC) in view of the forthcoming Elections.

CACOL Executive Chairman, Mr. Debo Adeniran said “the Federal Government must ensure that INEC is truly independent and did not lack funding else, there may be lapses in the forthcoming elections.” He also expressed his fears on a looming crisis the country might face if INEC is not allowed to paddle its own canoe.

The organization has condemned the Fabian Tactics being employed by the National Assembly by not passing the since submitted budget of the Commission thus putting INEC in a pose to make bricks without straws.
Mr. Adeniran further expressed that for things to go smoothly come 2019, the National Assembly needs to stop playing politics with the funding of the INEC budget as this move reeks of conspiracy and blackmail against the Commission.

He said “with less than a year to the elections, the Federal Government, INEC and other relevant agencies owe Nigeria a credible and successful general election in 2019 and this can only be achieved by making sure that everything that are prerequisites to the success of the elections are not jeopardized on the altar of politicking.”

“We should note that INEC has already scheduled the coming elections by setting their dates and issues of funding would definitely disrupt the calendar that has painstakingly been set by the Commission the passage of the budget is delayed. It is imperative for the Federal government ensure the independent funding of INEC to immune the Commission to antis of desperate and corrupt politicians who are hell bent on retrogressing the progress of the country”,

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